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since April 29, 2000

��� Store Tour ���


Comic Books

Heroes & Dragons has the largest and most diverse selection of comic books in South Carolina.

New Releases are on sale every Wednesday by 3:00 p.m. You can find them in our "New Comic Alley" near the back of the store.

For books that have already been on sale one week or more, genre sections such as Marvel, DC, Independent Publisher, Star Wars, Japanese Manga, Vertigo, X-Men, Spider-Man, and Popular Creators make it easy to find the issues you want.

As a response to Warren Ellis's suggestion at, we've created a special "Pop Comics" section stocked with comics by your favorite creators -- comics names like Neil Gaiman, Alan Moore, Grant Morrison, Kevin Smith, and even ol' Warren Ellis himself.

Also, we have lots of currently-in-print graphic novels in each genre section. We keep most titles in stock and on the shelf for about three months, so if you haven't been in recently you still have a shot at getting what you want to read. Many small press books are kept in stock indefinitely.

We carry most of the graphic novels and trade paperbacks currently available from Diamond's Star System and other distributors. You'll find these on our "Wall of Graphic Novels," and rest assured -- if it's not there, we probably *can* get it for you.

Back issues are our specialty, and Heroes & Dragons has over half a million of them. We have comics ranging from 4 for $1.00 to rare collector's items. Our distinctive and unique approach to offering back issues for every type of customer -- from the casual reader to the high-dollar investor -- has caused us to offer several different inventories. We've got complete stocks of Silver Age comics, hot comics, and pre-assembled sets -- plus the aforementioned Pop Comics section!

Rare comics are partially located on the store floor. This inventory is rotated between the store, conventions, and mail-order, so not all inventory is available at all times. If you are interested in rare collector's items, please call us at (803) 731-4376 to make an appointment with Chris, who is usually in the office Monday to Thursday.


Gaming is in our blood. We sell games, we play games, and we hold gaming tournaments in our store.

Heroes & Dragons has the largest selection of Magic cards, new and old, in South Carolina. We also carry all other popular collectible card games (CCGs) and role-playing games (RPGs). Games Workshop is our specialty, and we offer you a huge selection of their merchandise to choose from.

We carry Pokemon, Magic, and Star Wars CCGs (including Young Jedi), plus all Legend of the Five Rings products, 7th Sea, Doomtown, Star Trek, Vampire, and more. We’ve got starter decks, boosters, and unopened boxes of just about all these games.

Need Pokemon or Magic singles? Our extensive inventory includes such rare cards as Charizards and Moxes, but we also carry a wide range of commons, uncommons, and rares. Check out our 20� and $1 boxes for plenty of good deals. A nice stock of Star Wars singles is also on hand.

We are always interested in purchasing quality collections--for cash or trade! Just ask to speak with our games manager, Ben Burnside. On the RPG side of gaming, we have TSR, White Wolf, FASA, and GURPS. We can also special order just about any game you want--so if we don’t have it in stock, ask us about ordering it.

If you like Games Workshop, you'll be happy to hear that we carry Warhammer 40K, Fantasy, Battlefleet Gothic, Mordheim, and Warmaster miniatures and related items.

How about a complete selection of Citadel paints on hand? (Talk about one-stop shopping!) Our games staff can even provide play and painting advice. Check out our display case with dozens of painted pieces on display.

In support of gaming, Heroes & Dragons maintains a 2,000-square-foot Game Room open to gamers during all store hours. There’s no fee to use it, and we only require that you be courteous to other customers and gamers. So if you’re looking for a place to play, look no further! You’ll find tables, chairs, and trash cans set up in the Game Room for your convenience.  Coming soon, we'll have storage lockers for you to keep your game gear instead of carrying it home every night!

For you miniature game enthusiasts, we have several waist-high 4’-by-9’ tables with terrain already set up. All you need to bring is an army!

With the extra space provided by our Game Room, we’re able to hold weekly Magic tournaments and Warhammer games. At any given time, we may also have a planned tourney for Star Wars, Pokemon, Legend of the Five Rings, Vampire, or any of the other games our customers like to play.


We carry most new non-sports cards related to comic characters, fantasy artists, and science-fiction TV shows and movies. We also discount unopened boxes to make it easier for you to complete a set of cards.

Sets and special cards are often available, especially for more popular card series. Check with a staff member for items that may not be on display in the store.

We buy complete sets.

Collectible Toys

Collectible toys are right at home at Heroes & Dragons. Being the first store in South Carolina to offer original STAR WARS items and other action figures has given us an edge today. We now have over 50,000 toys in stock--with about 5,000 pieces on display.

Star Wars, Star Trek, G.I. Joe, Transformers, and Super Powers are all well-represented. Toys from most science-fiction TV shows, movies, comics, and cartoons from the last 30 years are available.

Star Wars is our main specialty, and we usually have most Star Wars-related items in stock, although really rare items sell almost as fast as we acquire them.  We love all kinds of toys, however, and will be happy to try to get anything for you.

For questions about new toys or rare collectible gems, contact our toy man Tracy at (803) 731-4376.

Heroes & Dragons is always interested in purchasing toy collections large and small. Please call ahead to make an appointment before bringing your collection.


Japanese animation, or "anime," is our main video line at Heroes & Dragons.  Anime has taken off in recent years, as you can see by the success of DRAGONBALL Z and SAILOR MOON.

With a wide range of videos in stock at all times, we can help you find something you’ll like, even if you're new to the world of anime. And if we don’t have the video you’re looking for, remember--we can special order any title currently available (including DVDs) within a week or so.

We also carry GODZILLA movies, live-action Hong Kong movies with stars like Jackie Chan and Jet Li, and popular American features like HEAVY METAL.