Shao Linferno #1

Concept & Cover Art by Apichai Sotiuong

What We Liked Best

He's a hitman.  He knows Kung Fu.  He's a living fireball.  And he's got a striking first-issue cover with a great logo!  SHAO LINFERNO has it all going for him!

Puns and word-play always make for a good comic-book title.  This one mixes the character's superhuman powers and his mastery of kung fu.  Very clever!

The cover pose is dynamic and exciting.  With Shao Linferno dropping out of the sky and onto the reader, we felt like we were being drawn into the action.  And that made us want to read the story!

Adding the sense of excitement is a well-thought-out color scheme — warm reds, oranges, and yellows against a drab black-and-gray background accentuate the action and movement in the foreground!

A book like this would cost $2.99 in today's market!  (Nice attention to detail.)

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