What We
Liked Best
ActoMan's design
screams "comic book super-hero" — fun and
asymmetrical, incorporating different elements of the classic
super-hero and science-fiction hero outfits. The
cover shows ActoMan in several action poses, giving the
readers a glimpse of what they might find inside the ACTOMAN
comic book. This style of cover tells us more about the
character than a single image ever could. The
rocket in the background gives us a quick visual recap of
ActoMan's story. This is an outstanding visual
story-telling tool, as it draws us into the story of the book
from the very beginning! The
logo fits the science-fiction feel of the character —
sleek, rounded edges that reflect modern design. His
helmet, circular emblem, and the circle in the background also
reinforce the "modern" look of ACTOMAN. (We
liked ActoMan's emblem, too.) Back
to the Five Finalists |