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since April 29, 2000

��� How to Shop with Us ���

Ordering Instructions

If you choose to pay by credit card, please call us at 1-877-543-4376 between the hours of 1:00pm and 9:00pm Eastern Time, any day of the week.

When you call, ask for Scott.  If I'm out of the office, another of our managers will assist you with your order.

You may also pay with money order, cashier's check, or personal check.  Be advised that we must wait 2 weeks for personal checks to clear before shipping any merchandise.  Make your check payable to Heroes and Dragons, and send it to this address:

Heroes and Dragons
1563-B Broad River Road
Columbia, SC  29210  U.S.A.

Please mark your envelope "ATTN: SCOTT."  This will make filling your order easier for us, and your order will be processed more quickly.

Also, be sure to include your mailing address with your payment!

Methods of Payment

South Carolina residents must add 5% sales tax to the amount of their purchase. (Sales tax will not be charged on shipping.)

You may pay with:
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • Discover
  • American Express
  • cashier's check
  • money order
  • personal check
Be advised that we must wait 2 weeks for personal checks to clear before shipping any merchandise.

If you have any questions about the nature or condition of merchandise (or about our ordering instructions), please e-mail us for further details. We'll be happy to answer your questions.

If you are in any way dissatisfied with your purchase, please contact us within seven (7) days of receipt of merchandise. We will handle any dissatisfaction or problem on a case-by-case basis.

Shipping Charges for Comic Books

All orders are shipped via USPS Priority Mail. Rates in the chart below include a charge for handling, shipping materials, labor, and delivery confirmation service.

(We have chosen Priority Mail because of their reliability and accountability. Delivery is guaranteed within 3 business days, and we can track the progress of your package electronically.)

Insurance may be purchased on any package at the buyer's expense. See the bottom of the chart for pricing.

International rates apply for shipping outside the U.S. Visit the USPS International Rate Calculator to determine international shipping rates. (We recommend Global Priority Mail or AirMail for overseas shipments.)

Shipping Rates within Continental U.S.A.

1-10 comics $550
11-25 comics $775
26-50 comics $1050
51-75 comics $1275
76-100 comics $1550
101-125 comics $1775
126-150 comics $2050
151-175 comics $2275
176-200 comics $2550
201-225 comics (short comics box) $2800
226-250 comics $3050
251-275 comics $3275
276-300 comics $3550
301-325 comics (long comics box) $3800
For every 25 additional comics ... add $250

For shipping purposes, magazines count as 3 comics.
Graphic novels & trade paperbacks count as 6 comics.

For example:
If you order 10 comics, 2 magazines, and 3 trade paperbacks,
look up the shipping cost for 34 comics (10 + 2x3 + 3x6 = 34).
Your shipping cost is

Insurance (optional)

up to $10000 in purchases $200 (flat fee)
over $10000 in purchases $200 plus $100 per $10000 of merchandise