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March 4, 2004 Meeting

Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?
by Alan Moore, Kurt Schaffenberger, Curt Swan, & George P�rez

Man of Steel
by John Byrne & Dick Giordano

Current Comic of the Month | About the Club

It's been a while since the H&D Comic Club has looked in on that most venerable of comic-book genres � the super-hero.  What better way to return our attention to super-heroes than by examining the first, and possibly the greatest, super-hero of them all?

The theme of March's meeting is Superman Past and Present.  We'll read and discuss two seminal Superman stories, representing the alpha and omega of super-heroic adventure:

Was the reinvention of Superman necessary?  Does the "new" Superman speak to readers differently than the Silver Age version?  Bring your thoughts on these and other topics to our next meeting � Thursday, March 4 at 7:30pm � where we'll compare and contrast both stories.

If you've never attended Comic Club, this is a great chance to meet our members and learn all about the program.  If you decide to join, there's a $20 per year membership fee, which also entitles you to a year-round 20% discount on all graphic novels (not just the ones we read for Comic Club).


Both books are available at Heroes and Dragons now:

Comic Club members save 20% on all graphic novel purchases at H&D!

Previous Comics of the Month:

February 2004  | Torso
January 2004  | Sgt. Rock: Between Hell and a Hard Place
December 2003  | Kingdom Come

November 2003  |

Batman: Arkham Asylum
October 2003  | Vault of Horror, Volumes 1 and 2
September 2003  | Blankets
August 2003  | Sin City, Volume 1
July 2003  | Astro City: Life in the Big City
June 2003  | The Golden Age
May 2003  | League of Extraordinary Gentlemen