October 2, 2003 Meeting

Vault of Horror Volumes 1 and 2
by William Gaines, Wally Wood, Al Williamson, Joe Orlando, Graham Ingels, Jack Davis, et. al.

Current Comic of the Month | About the Club

Comic Club turns its collective Evil Eye toward horror this month, reading the first 10 issues of Vault of Horror.  As one of the core EC titles in the 1950s, Vault of Horror was the impetus for the Kefauver Commission's investigation of comic books and subsequent Supreme Court hearings leading to the formation of the Comics Code Authority.

Today's comics readers may overlook the sophistication of the EC titles, dismissing them as gleeful depictions of gore capped off with ironic twist endings.  But a closer examination reveals subtleties of both art and story that predate other publications by at least two decades.  And the terror these stories instilled in a generation of children is still present, almost 50 years later.

Join us at our next meeting on Thursday, October 2, as we dissect the most influential horror stories in comics.  Our meeting will start at 7:30pm, which is after regular store hours � if the door is locked, someone will gladly let you in.

For those who don't know, we are actively recruiting new members!  Comic Club members, bring a friend with you.  If you're not a member, this is a great chance to meet our club regulars and enjoy a great chat with no obligation to join.

Copies of the Vault of Horror trades will be available after September 17, with a combined retail price of $18.90.  (If you already have an HDCC club card, you'll pay only $15.12!)

REMEMBER: Comic Club members save 20% on all graphic novel purchases at H&D!

Previous Comics of the Month: